Psychological Consultant / Coach

Based on the specialized training as the Psychological Management Coach and Management Coach by the Psychological Management Institute

There is a variety of different fields of application if you work as psychological consultant / coach. For example, it is possible to advise clients completely tailored to their individual situation, in both the professional and private environment fields. You are able to remove difficulties in your professional environment and to practice conflict solutions in the private field as well. Within this training, you will gather a lot of knowledge about your own personality and also about other persons. The most important aspect, however, is that during this training you will acquire the competence that you can use in practice and which is psychologically well-founded.

Knowledge of psychological nature is not only advantageous if you want to work as a consultant. A variety of executives of companies or persons striving for such positions will acquire psychological knowledge to be in a better position for leading employees with a high level of responsibility and to cope with their own work with greater success. Apart from an exceptional competence in the professional field, so-called soft skills are becoming increasingly important. Talents for social communication and for the solution of conflicts are especially important here. Our training as the psychological consultant / coach will also have positive effects on your own efficiency and strengthen your psyche. Even ifhealth of our body is of decisive importance of course, our psychological constitution is of even greater importance. It is important for a successful lifestyle, it puts us in the situation of feel luck andenables us to positively live together with our environment. The field of action of a psychological consultant / coach covers, for example, a reduction of negatively occupied and an increase of positively occupied patterns in the field of feelings, thinking and behavior. In addition, it supports coping with accumulating difficulties in the psychologically social environment and offers psychological support and orientation here. Also for students the training as the psychological consultant / coach is a good preparation for the practical work in this field. Usually, the trained consultants and coaches work on the basis of a self-employed. However, associations of the social-charitable field, cure hotels, sanatoriums, practices of doctors and non-medical practitioners, urban facilities, economically-oriented companies or private foundations as well often search for coaches with a well-funded training. An important aspect of the training is that it enables to better come in line with your private life and people surrounding you. Resources not recognized so far can be discovered and made usable. After having terminated our training successfully, you have the opportunity for further specialization. This is possible in the areas listed in the following: Advertising psychology, image consulting, partnership coach, relaxation training, school psychologist, music therapy, mototherapy, education therapy, family therapy, movement therapy, career coaching, industrial psychology, marriage guidance, sexual counseling, behavior training, emotional training, job psychology, self-help group management, addiction therapy, spiritual charge, self-confidence training, expert opinion, crisis management, personnel consultation, figure therapy and so forth.