You are faced with problems within your relationship? Are you controlled by fear or would you like to remove blockades complicating your thinking? What can you do in order to cope with a quarrels in the job without running the risk of offending a colleague?
Whatever life situation – again and again there are circumstances whose accomplishment requires the competent support of a third party.
Such a kind of support is achieved by coaching and mentoring. Support is offered here in problematic situations of life. At first place a precise analysis of the personality is required here. Based on that, a strategy for the solution of problems is established in psychology together with a competent consultant.
Our coaching is a offer for consultation referring to persons in a process of change. Our support aims at the clarification of different problem areas. The coaching is supposed to bring a process in motion and to support the process of reorientation.
The application of mentoring guarantees an exchange of knowledge. A concrete consultation in career questions is supported by mediation of rites and standards within the organizational structure ofa company.
It is up to you. We offer you the necessary support and company for the achievement of a positive personal change.