Following tertiary education, school-leavers are increasingly in need of the necessary know-how for taking up a managerial post in a company. Moreover, there is an increasing proportion of start-up companies. This means that school-leavers increasingly become their own boss immediately after having passed their university exam. For this reason, management consultancy is increasingly offered for students.
The objective of a management consultancy is not an optimization of company processes or the investigation of a new concept like it would have been regarding the management consultancy for an experienced company, but rather to provide fundamentals. Management consultancy is either a fix component of a development program for particularly gifted students or an open offer for all students and school-leavers. There is a subtle difference between these variants of management consultancy regarding the extend and the quality. Regarding management consultancy in development programs it is paid attention to the fact that the candidate achieves such a sound knowledge he requires for dipping into the global business world. This kind of management consultancy is carried out by qualified experts or insiders. Management consultancy is often particularly tailored to school-leavers and takes several months. The open management consultancy, however, rather concentrates on the assessment of already existing business ideas of students or school-leavers. in this connection, management consultancy is the attendant of the business idea up to success as well.
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