In most of the cases where companies reach a dead end, a management consultancy is the ideal possibility for an increase of productivity with new pulses and the removal ofproblems. Management consultancy indeed is useful as a company of special company processes as well. However, there are critics as well, challenging the sense of such a management consultancy completely.
One point of critique is the pure advisory function. Within a management consultancy, new processes are proposed for a company and solution possibilities found. However, it is not the task of the management consultant to implement these in the process then. This is how the consultant does not immediately find out the consequences of his proposals. Only if a close-meshed control of the measures is carried out by the management consultancy itself and further consequences can be taken from that, it is possible to escape this criticism.Furthermore, there is only a limited number of methods available to each management consultancy, whether a large company or freelance consultant. If a method is carried out successfully, it is obvious that it will be applied by a variety of other customers as well. This is why a company probably loses its uniqueness because of a management consultancy. Negative aftereffects are probably possible to occur here, that are not or no longer due to management consultancy. Thus, management consultancy can become a trap as well.
Critics are probably right with their criticism about management consultancy, but most of the points of criticism can be changed into positive effects very simply. If customer and management consultancy work together closely and constructively, a profit can be drawn from that for the company in any case. A prerequisite for this of course is that the management consultancy uses their ”wits